Thursday, October 31, 2019

Banking and ICT's Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Banking and ICT's - Essay Example Digital technology has greatly reduced the costs of compiling, processing, and distributing information. Information and communications technology (ICT) invigorates markets by enhancing the flow of information, not in creating certainty, but making information more symmetric. The rise of the Internet, for example, has increased transparency, improving the ability of all market participants to determine the available range of prices for financial instruments and financial services (Clemons and Hitt, 2000, 4). Indeed, information-driven disintermediation is not limited to the financial sector: "The flow of information turns client relationships into markets. This phenomenon is cropping up in fields as diverse as travel agencies, real estate and the auctioning of flowers in Amsterdam" (Anon., 1998). The new markets that hand information to consumers also tend to push down prices. This is a dangerous prospect for branded goods like banking products and services, which behave increasingly like commodities. Moreover, technology has continually lowered the transaction costs of direct financing, facilitating the emergence of new electronic markets, payments and settlement networks, and new market-based risk and wealth management systems. Disintermediation is accompanied by securitization. Large firms increasingly raise finance directly from the financial markets. Companies with secure cash flows create securities from (or "securitize") these "assets," the value of which is determined by the volume and reliability of the cash flows (Holland et al., 1998, 222). The securities are then sold publicly or privately to institutional investors. Securitization of assets disintermediates banks from their traditional role of lenders to the corporate sector. Financial deregulation and information technology have both contributed to the growing dominance of capital markets by facilitating access for new issuers and investors. Forces For Change Powerful forces for change are forging the future shape of the banking industry. These include demographic, technological, and regulatory factors. Undergirding these developments is the continuing closer integration of national economies and financial systems through the process known as Globalisation. Changing Customer Needs and Preferences Populations are aging rapidly, at least in the developed Western democracies. The prospect of rising aged-dependency ratios is focusing governments and individuals on alternative means of funding retirement incomes. "Pay-as-you-go" pension schemes, under which the younger (working) generation funds the retirement incomes of the older (retired) generation, are not viable when the aged-dependency ratio rises beyond certain limits. Governments are responding by inducing individuals to make greater provision for their own incomes in retirement, restricting the availability of publicly funded pensions to the genuinely indigent.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Mayan Civilization Essay Example for Free

Mayan Civilization Essay * Which of the three Mesoamerican civilizations is most significant? Explain. The most significant Mesoamerican civilization is the Mayans. The Mayans are the most important for many different reasons. They were a very intelligent civilization and their inventions and discoveries are what set them apart from the other Mesoamerican civilizations. The Mayans civilization was the most significant for multiple reasons. They were the only Mesoamerican civilization that had a written language. It was called Maya Script or Maya hieroglyphs. It is currently the only Mesoamerican writing system that has substantially been deciphered. Not only did they have their own system of writing, they were very clever mathematicians. They had a counting system that was represented by only a dot, a bar, and a symbol for zero. The Mayans were some of the only people to understand the meaning of the zero. This was a huge step in mathematics. Another major discovery was the calendar. The Mayans were most interested in astronomy. They made an astronomical observatory that consisted of 3 windows at the top to determine when the fall and spring equinox, 365 steps to resemble the 365 days on the calendar and a serpent head at the bottom of the stairs. On March 21st the body of the serpent would appear to slither down the pyramid and point towards their water supply. The Mayans were gifted people who made a substantial impact on their time. With their writing, mathematics, and their astronomy as only some of their greatest accomplishments, this proves that the Mayans were the most significant Mesoamerican civilization.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Crohns Disease: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Crohns Disease: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments INTRODUCTION TO NUTRITION  CROHN DISEASE Introduction to Nutrition Crohn Disease Introduction Sustenance is characterized as the methods by which a creature or plant takes in and uses nourishment substances. Vital supplements incorporate protein, carb, fat, vitamins, minerals and electrolytes. Regularly, 85% of day by day vitality use is from fat and starches and 15% from protein. In people, nourishment is primarily attained through the procedure of placing sustenance’s into our mouths, biting and swallowing it. The obliged measures of the key supplements contrast by age and the state of the body, for instance: physical action, infections present (e.g. prostate disease, breast tumor or debilitated bones – known as osteoporosis), pharmaceuticals, pregnancy and lactation. Sustenance is crucial for development and advancement, and wellbeing. Consuming a solid eating methodology helps anticipating future disease and enhancing quality and length of life. Your healthful status is the state of your wellbeing as controlled by what you consume. There are a few methods for evaluating dietary status, including anthropometric (i.e. physical body estimation), sustenance admission and biochemical estimation. Your body mass list (BMI) is a great pointer of your healthful status. It considers your weight and tallness, and relates well with aggregate muscle to fat quotients communicated as a rate of body weight. The association relies on upon age, with the most astounding relationship seen in ages 26–55 years and the least in the adolescent and the elderly. On the off chance that you take your weight in kilograms and gap it by your tallness in meters squared, the figure you acquire is your BMI (American Diabetes Association 2008). What Is Crohn Disease Crohns illness, otherwise called Crohn syndrome and territorial enteritis, is a sort of incendiary gut infection (IBD) that may influence any some piece of the gastrointestinal tract from mouth to butt, bringing on a wide mixed bag of manifestations. It principally causes stomach torment, looseness of the bowels (which may be grisly if aggravation is serious), heaving, or weight loss, yet might additionally cause complexities outside the gastrointestinal tract, for example, paleness, skin rashes, joint inflammation, irritation of the eye, tiredness, and absence of concentration.Crohns ailment is brought about by collaborations between ecological, immunological and bacterial components in hereditarily helpless individuals. This results in a ceaseless provocative issue, in which the bodys resistant framework strike the gastrointestinal tract conceivably coordinated at microbial antigens. While Crohns is an invulnerable related sickness, it doesnt seem, by all accounts, to be an immune system infection (in that the insusceptible framework is not being activated by the body itself). The careful underlying safe issue is not clear; in any case, it may be a safe lack state  (DHaens, et al. 2008). What are the Causes of this Disease? Crohns illness appears to be created by a blending of ecological components and hereditary predisposition. Crohns is the first hereditarily perplexing ailment in which the relationship between hereditary danger variables and the invulnerable framework is seen in extensive detail. Each individual danger transformation makes a little commitment to the general danger of Crohns (pretty nearly 1:200). The hereditary information, and immediate appraisal of resistance, demonstrates a glitch in the characteristic insusceptible system. In this view, the perpetual aggravation of Crohns is brought on when the versatile safe framework tries to adjust for an inadequate intrinsic resistant framework(Brest, et al. 2011). How do you Diagnose Crohn Disease? The judgment of Crohns ailment can here and there be challenging, and various tests are frequently needed to help the doctor in making the diagnosis. Even with a full battery of tests, it may not be conceivable to diagnose Crohns with complete sureness; a colonoscopy is roughly 70% viable in diagnosing the sickness, with further tests being less compelling. Ailment in the little gut is especially troublesome to diagnose, as a customary colonoscopy permits access to just the colon and more level segments of the small guts; presentation of the case endoscopy supports in endoscopic analysis. Multinucleated titan cells, a typical finding in the injuries of Crohns illness, are less normal in the sores of lichen nitidus (Desmond, et al. 2008). What are the Symptoms? bdominal ache may be the beginning side effect of Crohns malady. It is regularly joined by looseness of the bowels, particularly in the individuals who have had surgery. The runs could conceivably be bleeding. The way of the runs in Crohns ailment relies on upon the piece of the small digestive system or colon included. Ileitis normally brings about substantial volume, watery defecation. Colitis may bring about a littler volume of excrement of higher recurrence. Fecal consistency may go from robust to watery. In extreme cases, an individual may have more than 20 solid discharges for every day and may need to stir during the evening to defecate. Visible draining in the excrement is less basic in Crohns sickness than in ulcerative colitis, however may be seen in the setting of Crohns colitis. Bloody defecations regularly come and go, and may be brilliant or dull red in shade. In the setting of serious Crohns colitis, draining may be copious. Flatulence and bloating may additionally add to the intestinal discomfort. Manifestations brought about by intestinal stenosis are likewise regular in Crohns infection. Stomach ache is regularly most extreme in territories of the inside with stenosis. Constant spewing and queasiness may demonstrate stenosis from little entrails check or infection including the stomach, pylorus, or duodenum. Although the acquaintanceship is more amazing in the connection of ulcerative colitis, Crohns illness might likewise be connected with essential sclerosing cholangitis, a kind of aggravation of the bile ducts. Perianal distress might additionally be unmistakable in Crohns malady. Irritation or agony around the rear-end may be suggestive of aggravation, fistulization or boil around the butt-centric area or butt-centric crevice. Perianal skin labels are additionally regular in Crohns disease. Fecal incontinence may go hand in hand with perianal Crohns malady. At the inverse end of the gastrointestinal tract, the mouth may be influenced by non-mending bruises (aphthous ulcers). Infrequently, the throat, and stomach may be included in Crohns infection. These can result in manifestations including trouble swallowing (dysphagia), upper stomach agony, and regurgitating(DHaens, et al. 2008). What are the Treatments? Intense medication utilizes prescriptions to treat any contamination (regularly anti-toxins) and to diminish irritation (typically amino salicylate mitigating medications and corticosteroids). At the point when manifestations are disappearing, medicine enters upkeep, with an objective of dodging the repeat of side effects. Delayed utilization of corticosteroids has critical reactions; thus, they may be, all in all, not utilized for long haul medicine. Choices incorporate amino salicylates alone, however just a minority can keep up the medication, and numerous oblige immunosuppressive drugs. It has been likewise proposed that anti-microbial change the enteric vegetation, and their persistent utilization may represent the danger of excess with pathogens, for example, Clostridium difficile. Prescriptions used to treat the manifestations of Crohns illness incorporate 5-aminosalicylic corrosive (5-ASA) plans, prednisone, immunomodulators, for example, azathioprine (given as the prodrug for 6-mercaptopurine), methotrexate, infliximab, adalimumab, certolizumab and natalizumab. Hydrocortisone ought to be utilized as a part of extreme strike of Crohns disease. The slow misfortune of blood from the gastrointestinal tract, and additionally interminable aggravation, regularly prompts paleness, and expert rules propose routinely checking for this. Adequate malady control typically enhances sickliness of constant infection, yet press insufficiency may oblige medication with iron supplements. Rules change regarding how iron ought to be managed. Some exhort parenteral iron as first line as it works speedier, has fewer gastrointestinal symptoms, and is unaffected by irritation decreasing enteral assimilation (Brest, et al. 2011). What other Problems Caused by Crohn Disease? Crohns infection may prompt one or a greater amount of the accompanying inconveniences: Bowel Obstruction Crohns malady influences the thickness of the intestinal divider. About whether, parts of the inside can thicken and restricted, which may hinder the stream of digestive substance through the influenced some piece of your digestive system. A few cases oblige surgery to evacuate the infected share of your gut. Ulcer Incessant aggravation can prompt open bruises (ulcers) anyplace in your digestive tract, including your mouth and rear-end, and in the genital zone (perineum) and rear-end. Fistulas Some of the time ulcers can augment totally through the intestinal divider, making a fistula — an unusual association between distinctive parts of your digestive tract, between your digestive system and skin, or between your digestive tract and an alternate organ, for example, the bladder or vagina. At the point when interior fistulas create, nourishment may sidestep zones of the gut that are fundamental for ingestion. An outer fistula can result in consistent seepage of inside substance to your skin, and in a few cases, a fistula may get tainted and structure a ulcer, an issue that could be life-debilitating if left untreated. Fistulas around the butt-centric region (perianal) are the most widely recognized sort of fistulas (Desmond, et al. 2008). How to Prevent Crohn Disease? Crohns sickness, a sort of provocative gut infection, is an interminable issue that cant be completely anticipated or cured. Since the manifestations of Crohns illness show up as short, intense flare-ups, it may be useful to comprehend approaches to keep Crohns malady and decrease the seriousness of the co-partnered side effects. Crohns Disease, otherwise called incendiary gut illness, avoidance methodologies can help to deal with the manifestations and decrease the shots of backslide. Instructions to Prevent Crohns Disease: Reduce push on the digestive tract by having little, visit dinners. It is better to consume 5-6 little suppers in a day than 2-3 expansive dinners. Adopt a low fiber, however generally adjusted eating methodology. An eating methodology high in fiber may disturb excited intestinal dividers. Eat ready bananas, fruits, curd, and pureed vegetables since they help to keep up ideal intestinal greenery. Eliminate wheat, wheat items, and lactose-holding sustenance’s from your eating methodology. Despite the fact that wiping out these nourishments does not straightforwardly straightforwardness the manifestations of Crohns illness, it wills simplicity the side effects of heartburn and bloating. Because anxiety can exacerbate the indications of Crohns ailment, unwinding strategies, for example, yoga, reflection, and moderate breathing may be useful. Avoid stimulants like tobacco and juice, practice normally, keep up an inspirational disposition, and get sufficient slumber to help keep Crohn disease (Krzystek, t al. 2010). Lifestyle Changes Certain lifestyle progressions can lessen indications, including dietary alterations, basic eating regimen, fitting hydration, and smoking end. Smoking may build Crohns infection; halting is suggested. Consuming little suppers much of the time rather than enormous dinners might likewise help with a low hunger. To oversee side effects have an adjusted eating methodology with legitimate bit control. Weakness can benefit from outside intervention with general work out, a sound eating regimen, and enough rest. A sustenance journal may help with recognizing nourishments that trigger manifestations. Some individuals ought to take after a low dietary fiber eating regimen to control manifestations particularly if stringy nourishments cause symptoms. Some discover help in disposing of casein (protein found in cows milk) and gluten (protein found in wheat, rye and grain) from their eating regimens. They may have particular dietary intolerances (not unfavorable susceptibilities)(DHaens, et al. 2008). Food that may help Ease the Crohn Symptoms? The sustenance’s that you put into your body can have an effect on the seriousness of your Crohns manifestations. Crohns patients distinguish different nourishments as triggers, and others as sustenance’s that help straightforwardness indications. In any case, both triggers and force nourishments are exceptionally variable and individual in their articulation what works for one man may not work for another person, or may even exacerbate indications. Few of them are as follows: Yogurt Live-society yogurt might be an incredible nourishment to consume on the off chance that you experience the ill effects of Crohns illness. The probiotics in this type of yogurt can help in helping with recuperation of the digestive system. Oily Fish Slick fish, for example, salmon, fish, and herring may help with some of your Crohns manifestations. Food Vegetables An eating regimen holding a lot of foods grown from the ground can help make manifestations less extreme. On the off chance that, on the other hand, you find that crude tree grown foods compound an erupt, try unsweetened fruit purà ©e and bananas a try. Cooked Carrots For some Crohns patients, carrots might be an extraordinary vegetable for getting your fill of supplements without disturbing indications. Throughout a Crohns erupt; make certain to cook the carrots until theyre delicate and delicate, as cooked carrots arent just simple to process. Cereals In the event that you experience the ill effects of Crohns, you may think that it accommodating to maintain a strategic distance from cereals that are high in fiber, particularly entire wheat or entire grain grains. Nonetheless, there are sure oats with low measures of fiber that will help you get your nourishing prerequisites. These incorporate refined oats, for example, Cream of Wheat, and dry grains, for example, Special K, Corn Flakes, and Rice Krispies(American Diabetes Association 2008). What % of People has Crohn Disease n U.A.E? Crohns Disease is an incendiary sickness of the digestion tracts that may influence any a piece of the gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the butt. Crohns Disease influences roughly one in 1500 people in the UAE, influencing somewhat more ladies than men. Youngsters between the ages of 20 and 35 are most influenced, and once you have it, you will dependably have it, despite the fact that the signs and indications may change about whether in their earnestness. Specialists have voiced the need to push mindfulness and understanding of the sickness, as patients frequently experience the ill effects of their indications in quiet for dread of humiliation. Indications of Crohns Disease incorporate stomach torment, ulcers, crevices, and looseness of the bowels, blood and bodily fluid in the stools. Sufferers likewise report feeling the need to go to the lavatory however having nothing to pass. A general feeling of being unwell having a misfortune of hunger, fever and tiredness is likewise regular (Krzystek, t al. 2010). Conclusion Mucosal mending is turning into the standard for evaluating remedial adequacy in Crohns ailment. Endoscopic assessment and cross-sectional radiographic imaging are the two generally utilized modalities as of now available to us for evaluating malady action. Endoscopic assessment will dependably have a vital part because of the open door to biopsy and perform remedial intercessions. Be that as it may, less obtrusive cross-sectional imaging gives lovely pictures of the gut and encompassing tissues that loan astonishing knowledge into illness pathology. The eventual fate of imaging is in tackling the tremendous capability of the methods to evaluate infection pathology as they reflect aggravation and fibrosis, and to utilize that data to foresee illness course and expect confusions. This will permit another time of better nurture provocative inside malady patients, wherein the utilization of intense biotic helps is guided by imaging notwithstanding patient side effects (Krzystek, t al. 2 010). References American Diabetes Association. (2008). Nutrition Recommendations and Interventions for Diabetes A position statement of the American Diabetes Association.Diabetes care,31(Supplement 1), S61-S78. Retrieved: DHaens, G., Baert, F., Van Assche, G., Caenepeel, P., Vergauwe, P., Tuynman, H., Hommes, D. (2008). Early combined immunosuppression or conventional management in patients with newly diagnosed Crohns disease: an open randomised trial.The Lancet,371(9613), 660-667. Retrieved: Brest, P., Lapaquette, P., Souidi, M., Lebrigand, K., Cesaro, A., Vouret-Craviari, V., Hofman, P. (2011). A synonymous variant in IRGM alters a binding site for miR-196 and causes deregulation of IRGM-dependent xenophagy in Crohns disease.Nature genetics,43(3), 242-245. Retrieved: Desmond, A. N., O’Regan, K., Curran, C., McWilliams, S., Fitzgerald, T., Maher, M. M., Shanahan, F. (2008).Crohn’s disease: factors associated with exposure to high levels of diagnostic radiation.Gut,57(11), 1524-1529. Retrieved: Krzystek-Korpacka, M., Neubauer, K., Matusiewicz, M. (2010).Circulating midkine in Crohns disease: Clinical implications.Inflammatory bowel diseases,16(2), 208-215. Retrieved:

Friday, October 25, 2019

Macbeth - Manipulation :: essays research papers

When we first hear about Macbeth from the sergeant’s report, we are led to believe that he is very much a person who does only what he believes is right. Furthermore, when he first appears in the play, his fellow nobleman, Banquo, accompanies him. Given this, we would think that he does what is right, and makes all his own decisions. However this belief is proven wrong. Although Macbeth starts off as a loyal subject of Duncan, he is ambitious and this is a weakness, which allows him to be manipulated by a few factors in the play. From the beginning of act 1 scene 5 till the murder of Duncan in act 2 scene 2, it is evident that Lady Macbeth manipulates and convinces Macbeth into murdering Duncan. This is basically the only part of the play where Lady Macbeth has control over Macbeth. After Duncan’s murder, Macbeth is partly driven by evil powers. Proof of Lady Macbeth understanding Macbeth’s thoughts and feelings are visible in her thoughts "Thou wouldst be great, Art not without ambition, but without the illness should attend it." (1.5.19-21). From the very same speech and small implications from the letter, we can tell that Macbeth was ambitious enough to want to be the King, but would not think of murdering Duncan. Because Lady Macbeth knew this, she also knew that she would have to push Macbeth into performing the deed and she starts by telling him "Thy letters have transported me beyond this ignorant present and I feel now the future in the present" (1.5.57-59) the moment they meet. From Macbeth’s reply "We will speak further" (1.5.69) he is obviously noncommittal, but was already thinking about it. The first step of manipulation has started. Not much further in the play, we see that Macbeth decides not to murder Duncan but rather, carry on serving as his Thane. However, Lady Macbeth starts her persuasion again, but this time she questions his manhood, saying "When you durst do it, then you were a man: And to be more then what you were you would be so much more the man." (1.7.49-51). Had she not challenged his manhood and his love for her, he would not have usurped the throne and she would not have become a Queen. Not only did she get him to think about the murder, she even knew what to say after he had started thinking about the murder. Macbeth - Manipulation :: essays research papers When we first hear about Macbeth from the sergeant’s report, we are led to believe that he is very much a person who does only what he believes is right. Furthermore, when he first appears in the play, his fellow nobleman, Banquo, accompanies him. Given this, we would think that he does what is right, and makes all his own decisions. However this belief is proven wrong. Although Macbeth starts off as a loyal subject of Duncan, he is ambitious and this is a weakness, which allows him to be manipulated by a few factors in the play. From the beginning of act 1 scene 5 till the murder of Duncan in act 2 scene 2, it is evident that Lady Macbeth manipulates and convinces Macbeth into murdering Duncan. This is basically the only part of the play where Lady Macbeth has control over Macbeth. After Duncan’s murder, Macbeth is partly driven by evil powers. Proof of Lady Macbeth understanding Macbeth’s thoughts and feelings are visible in her thoughts "Thou wouldst be great, Art not without ambition, but without the illness should attend it." (1.5.19-21). From the very same speech and small implications from the letter, we can tell that Macbeth was ambitious enough to want to be the King, but would not think of murdering Duncan. Because Lady Macbeth knew this, she also knew that she would have to push Macbeth into performing the deed and she starts by telling him "Thy letters have transported me beyond this ignorant present and I feel now the future in the present" (1.5.57-59) the moment they meet. From Macbeth’s reply "We will speak further" (1.5.69) he is obviously noncommittal, but was already thinking about it. The first step of manipulation has started. Not much further in the play, we see that Macbeth decides not to murder Duncan but rather, carry on serving as his Thane. However, Lady Macbeth starts her persuasion again, but this time she questions his manhood, saying "When you durst do it, then you were a man: And to be more then what you were you would be so much more the man." (1.7.49-51). Had she not challenged his manhood and his love for her, he would not have usurped the throne and she would not have become a Queen. Not only did she get him to think about the murder, she even knew what to say after he had started thinking about the murder.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Franklin Delano Roosevelt and His Allies

FDR Research Notes * The Jews Standpoint * The Debates never end to the reasoning of why the 6 million Jews were not saved by the US Government * The Jews had already taken heavy fire, and now their voice cannot be heard * In 1942, as details of Hitler’s Final Solution reached the Allies, it was difficult for the public and many government officials to grasp the extent and significance of the Nazis’ systematic, mechanized killing. * On December 17th, 1942, the US joined 10 other Allied governments in issuing a solemn public declaration condemning Nazi Germany’s â€Å"bestial policy of cold-blooded extermination† of the Jews. Franklin Delano Roosevelt t believed that the surest way to stop the killing of innocent civilians was to defeat Hitler’s Germany as quickly and decisively as possible. * Assessment of Roosevelt’s role during the Holocaust is made difficult by the relative lack of communication. * Roosevelt and Churchill chose not to sing le out German mistreatment and mass murder of the European Jews as a key focus of the conflict, preferring to refer in general to the aim of ending the mistreatment and murder of civilians under Axis rule. From the American Standpoint * Most Americans at this time were clueless about World War II due to the Government’s president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, by our 32nd president not informing us on many things, may have just had prevented the 2nd Civil War in history * The President did not also inform many government officials due to the germination of the news at the time. * The President also had many in-depth conversations with the British Prime Minister to make sure that the Allies can certainly win this war. The President is also reminded by the British Prime Minister to not forget the lives that were lost during this World War and also to save the rest * Once the World War was finally making some progress with the 101st Airborne, the riots began. * The Americans were n ot impressed with the government’s president and the officials could only say, â€Å"Do not lose faith in the nation we lie in, the United States of America. † * The Americans did finally come to an agreement with the situation, and that is, â€Å"try harder. † * The Other Allies The 3 major allies, or known as â€Å"The Big Three†, are Joseph Stalin, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill * Joseph Stalin at this time during WWII was in charge of the Soviet Russian’s, which have been recently betrayed by Nazi Germany. * Franklin Delano Roosevelt at this time during WWII was in charge of the United States of America, and has kept many secrets from the Nation that can never be seen. * Winston Churchill at this time during WWII was in charge of the British Commonwealth and has many questions on why FDR had backed out on rescuing millions of Jews. Soviet Russia (WWII) * The man with the heart for the mix of democracy and communism. Joseph Sta lin was the Soviet Union leader until his death in 1953. * In August 1939, the Union had gone into a non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany that was violated in 1941 and the Union was being attacked by Nazi Germany. * After the capture of Berlin in 1945, Soviet Union became the 1 of the 2 Superpowers with the Allies (the other being the United States of America. ) * The British Commonwealth Winston Churchill, Born on November 30th, 1874 and Died on January 24th, 1965 * The one of the few prime ministers to actually serve twice as the prime minister. * Fought in WWII and had a very good relationship with FDR and was basically the provider of Ammo and supplies to the US during the time of Nazi Germany. * When Hitler invaded the USSR, Winston famously said, â€Å"If Hitler invaded hell, I would at least make a favorable reference to the Devil in the House of Commons. † * Franklin Delano Roosevelt * Born January 30, 1882 – April 12, 1945 Was involved with the Holocaust and was also partnered with the USSR and the British * FDR was not preparing to save the Jews anytime soon not because of their race, but because of the expenses. FDR had to make sure that Allies win this War and do it with as little money as possible. * FDR was being supplied by his good friend, Winston Churchill, while the Russian Joseph Stalin, provided experimentation so that the Allies could be far more ahead than the Axis (even though we were 2 years behind the Airplane)† Bibliography

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Functionalist Theory Essay

The functionalist theory is one that views the society as one that is social system made up of interrelated components. Each of these components is important and works together towards the achievement of a whole complete society. A common analogy supporting the functionalist theory is the human body which has several body organs which usually work together with problems in one organ affecting the rest of the body. The major components within a society are customs, traditions, norms and institutions such as families. It is agreed among major functionalists that social institutions make the essential components of society with rules and regulations being needed so as to organize the society in an effective manner. Functionalism within the discipline of anthropology developed in the early 20th century as a reaction to the extremes of the diffusionist and evolutionary theories developed within the 19th century (Goldschmidt 1996). The change was as a result of a change in focus from the more speculative diachronic examination of cultural traits and social customs as survivals to a more synchronic examination of the various social institutions existing within functioning societies. Functionalists were attempting to increase socio-cultural examination beyond the limits of the evolutionary notion of social history which viewed cultural traits and social customs as the residual pieces of cultural history. The theory has anthropological roots based on the thoughts and works of Bronislaw Malinowski, who argued that social institutions existed so as to meet the physiological needs of individuals within a society. As such, social stability was achieved by ensuring the needs of the individuals comprising the society were met with adequate knowledge of the feelings and motives of these individuals forming a basis for understanding how the society functioned. He viewed culture as the main element that ensured the needs of the members of a society were met. It is also based on the works of Alfred Radcliffe-Brown who argued that the basic divisions of anthropology were the various processes of human life within a social structure interlinked through interactions. Stability within society was therefore achieved through social practices that would repeat themselves and develop overtime supporting each other. As such, he theorized functional analysis as the attempt to understand social stability by observing how these social practices would fit together. The functionalist theory is also based on the thoughts and works of major social positivists and was first theorized by Auguste Comte following the French revolution which resulted in social malaise. This led him to see the need for social cohesion within society. This was followed by the works of Emile Durkheim that advanced the theory of organic solidarity, whose major emphasis was on the fundamental function that ethical consensus played in ensuring social order as well as building an equilibrium within society. His main concern was how certain societies were able to maintain stability and be able to survive hence proposed that such societies are usually have subdivisions with the separate divisions being held mutually by common values and symbols. In addition, Talcott Parsons argued that a social system is usually one that is comprised of the actions of individuals who are faced with a variety of choices which in turn are influenced by several social and physical factors. He posited a social system that had four types of action systems which included culture, personality, organismic, and society, with each these four systems having to satisfy four functional needs which were latency, adaptation, integration, and goal attainment. His analysis involved studying the processes and trade offs of social structures within and between the four system levels (Turner and Maryanski 1991). Central principles in the functionalist theory Functionalist analysis studies the social importance of phenomena. It seeks to examine the various functions that these phenomena serve within a society in order to preserve the whole (Jarvie, 1973). According to Malinowski, the major concepts included: †¢ Understanding behavior based on an individual’s motivation in addition to both rational and irrational behavior; †¢ Recognizing the interrelationship of the various items which comprised a culture forming a system; and †¢ Recognizing a particular item and identifying its function within the contemporary operation of a culture. Radcliffe-Brown based his works on those of Emile Durkheim who had posited that social phenomena comprised a domain of reality that was independent of any biological or psychological facts. As such, social phenomena have to be explained in terms of the other social phenomena occurring within the domain (Broce, 1973). Radcliffe-Brown therefore studied the circumstances under which the various social structures are upheld within society. He developed an analogy between organic life and social life in order to be able to explain the idea of function hence placing emphasis on the contribution of phenomena to preserving social order. Functional analysis has given value to social institutions. This is because it considers them as integrated and active components of a social system and not as simple customs (Langness, 1987). Functionalism has also contributed to the current idea that traditional usages have been formed by the necessity that human beings have to live collectively in harmony. Its emphasis on exhaustive fieldwork has offered an in-depth study of human societies. In addition, the study of functional interrelationship between institutions and customs has provided a framework for collecting information on how societies function. Major criticisms There have been several criticisms raised against the functionalist theory leading to its decline. The functionalist theory has been criticized for its major ignorance towards historical process in addition to its presumption that societies exists in an equilibrium state (Goldschmidt, 1996). Interactionist theorists have criticized this theory due to its failure to conceptualize sufficiently the multifaceted nature of individual actors and the methods of interaction within societies. Marxist theorists have criticized functionalism due to its conservativism and the fixed nature of examination used that underlined the role of social phenomena in the preservation of the status-quo within society (Holmwood, 2005). Constructionist theorists have criticized functionalism due to the use of classificatory theories that characterized phenomena based on their functions (Turner and Maryanski, 1991). Responses to Critiques Comparative functionalism, developed by Walter Goldschmidt, attempts to respond to the difficulties that have developed as a result of Malinowski’s argument that a culture can be comprehended on its own with institutions been seen as products of the various cultures within which they were created. Comparative functionalism seeks to understand institutional differences between cultures by examining phenomena within the different cultures and the problems experienced in these societies. This approach is worthwhile since it is aware of the universality of the functions to which social institutions are a response to. Problems are usually consistent from one culture to another culture, but the institutional solutions that will be needed will vary from one culture to another (Holmwood, 2005). As such, one begins with analyzing the problem so as to find out how institutional procedures provide solutions. Neo-functionalism is an attempt to revise British structural-functionalism. Some neo-functionalists seek to analyze phenomena based on particular functional requisites. Other neo-functionalists focus on matters of social integration, social evolution, and social differentiation. Others examine how the various cultural processes such as rituals, values, and ideologies integrate with social structures. However, neo-functionalism places little emphasis on how phenomena are able to meet system needs (Turner and Maryanski, 1991). This approach is worthwhile since it provides a bridge between human behavior, which frequently involves cooperation, and natural selection, where individual interaction involves competition more than cooperation. References Broce, G. (1973). History of Anthropology. Minneapolis: Burgess Publishing Company. Goldschmidt, W. (1996). Functionalism. In Encyclopedia of Cultural Anthropology, Vol 2. David Levinson and Melvin Ember, eds. New York: Henry Holt and Company. Holmwood, J. (2005). Functionalism and its Critics, in Harrington, A. Modern Social Theory: An Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Jarvie, I. C. (1973). Functionalism. Minneapolis: Burgess Publishing Company. Kuper, A. (1996). Anthropology and Anthropologists. London: Routledge. Langness, L. (1987). The Study of Culture. Novato, California: Chandler & Sharp Publishers, Inc. Turner, J. H. & Maryanski, A. (1991). Functionalism. In Borgatta, E. F, Encyclopedia of Sociology, Vol 2. New York: MacMillan Publishing Company.

PRICE Surname Meaning and Family History

PRICE Surname Meaning and Family History Price is a patronymic surname derived from the Welsh ap Rhys, meaning son of Rhys. The given name Rhys means enthusiasm in Welsh. Price is the 84th most popular surname in the United States. Price is also popular in England, coming in as the 47th most common surname. Surname Origin:  Welsh Alternate Surname Spellings:  PRYCE, PRIS, PRYS, PREECE, PREES, PRICE, PREIS, PREUSS   Famous People with the PRICESurname Leontyne Price  - African-American professional soprano opera singerVincent Price  -  American actorBruce Price  - architect of many of the Canadian Pacific Railways Chà ¢teau-type stations and hotelsCarey Price -  Canadian hockey goaltender for the NHL Montreal CanadiensRichard Price - Welsh philosopherWilliam Price - 19th-century Welsh physician and eccentricFlorence Beatrice Price (born Smith)  -  award-winning African-American  pianist and composer Where is the PRICE Surname Most Common? According to surname distribution from  Forebears, Price is the 1,357th most common surname in the world- found most prevalently in the United States, but most common in Wales based on percentage of the population bearing the name. The Price surname ranks as the 19th most common last name in Wales, 71st most common in England and 82nd most common in the United States. In  1881 the Price surname was most common in southern Wales, especially in Glamorganshire, Brecknockshire, Radnorshire and Monmouthshire. Surname maps from  WorldNames PublicProfiler  also show the Price surname as especially common in Wales, as well as in the West Midlands region of England. Within the United States, Price is most common in the state of North Carolina, followed by South Carolina and West Virginia.   Genealogy Resources for the Surname PRICE 100 Most Common U.S. Surnames Their MeaningsSmith, Johnson, Williams, Jones, Brown... Are you one of the millions of Americans sporting one of these top 100 common last names from the 2000 census? Price, Priest, Pryce Surname DNA ProjectThis DNA project is connecting individuals with the Price surname and Welsh derivatives such as  Breece, Breeze, Brice, Bryce, Preece, Preecs, Prees, Priest, Pris, Prys, Reece, Rees, Reese, Rhys, Rice and the German variants Preis and Preuss, who are interested in using both Y-DNA and mtDNA testing to help discover common Price or Pryce ancestors. Price Family Crest - Its Not What You ThinkContrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Price family crest or coat of arms for the Price surname.  Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted. Price Family Genealogy ForumThis free message board is focused on descendants of Price ancestors around the world. Search or browse the archives for your Price ancestors, or join the group and post your own Price family query. FamilySearch - PRICE GenealogyExplore over 5.4  million results from digitized  historical records and lineage-linked family trees related to the Price surname on this free website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. - PRICE Genealogy Family HistoryExplore free databases and genealogy links for the last name Price. GeneaNet - Price  RecordsGeneaNet includes archival records, family trees, and other resources for individuals with the Price  surname, with a concentration on records and families from France and other European countries. The Price  Genealogy and Family Tree PageBrowse genealogy records and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the Price surname from the website of Genealogy Today.- References: Surname Meanings Origins Cottle, Basil.  Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Dorward, David.  Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998. Fucilla, Joseph.  Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges.  A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick.  Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Reaney, P.H.  A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997. Smith, Elsdon C.  American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997. Back toGlossary of Surname Meanings Origins

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Illegal Aliens and Illegal Immigrants

Illegal Aliens and Illegal Immigrants Illegal Aliens and Illegal Immigrants Illegal Aliens and Illegal Immigrants By Maeve Maddox A reader asks for a discussion of the medias use of â€Å"illegal alien† to mean â€Å"illegal immigrant.† The Associated Press Stylebook recommends the phrase â€Å"illegal immigrant† in preference to â€Å"illegal alien.† The words alien and immigrant are not exactly interchangeable, but â€Å"immigrant† is perceived as having a more positive connotation than †alien.† An immigrant is a person who moves from one country to settle in another. An immigrant may or may not be a citizen. An alien is definitely not a citizen. The word alien entered English from Old French in the fourteenth century. As an adjective it meant â€Å"strange, foreign.† As a noun it meant â€Å"foreigner.† It’s from Latin alienus, â€Å"of or belonging to another.† As a modern legal term, the word alien refers to a person who is in a country, but not a resident of that country. There are two types of of alien: legal and illegal. A legal alien is a person who is in a country temporarily as a student or a tourist, or who has been granted permission to live in the country permanently without being a citizen. The latter kind of alien is called a resident alien. An illegal alien is present in a country without the country’s authorization. If the person intends harm, the term enemy alien may apply. The word immigrant is from the Latin verb imigrare â€Å"to remove, go into, move in.† It’s related to the word migration. An immigrant is a person who leaves one country to settle in another. Like aliens, immigrants are of two kinds: legal and illegal. The use of the word alien to refer to a foreigner in the United States is nothing new. One of the many U.S. laws enacted to control immigration between 1790 and the present is one called The Alien Contract Labor Law of 1885. The use of the word alien to mean â€Å"creature from another planet† had its origin in science-fiction writing and became current in the 1950s. A popular euphemism for illegal alien or illegal immigrant is â€Å"undocumented worker.† A negative term sometimes seen is illegal. The AP Stylebook rejects both terms. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Definitely use "the" or "a"15 Great Word GamesAdvance vs. Advanced

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Answer Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Answer Questions - Essay Example Companies’ growth as consumers helps them understand consumer mentality better. When companies play consumers, they are able to understand what aspect of service provision works and what does not work. Companies that grow as consumers will make information informed decisions on how to address customers’ needs. Usually, companies merge to save on costs, increase their market share and raise their financial strength. Merged companies spread their fixed costs for large production volumes, reduce their unit costs and increases margins. This happens after price negotiations with suppliers. The merger between Comcast-NBC and Time Warner concentrated the media. The merger increased my choices and gave me a wider selection of channels. I liked the quality of their service of the merger that came at lower costs. The AOL – Time Warner merger exemplified the concepts of chapter ten such as horizontal integration. The two companies are in the same industry and provide the same services. It is likely that the resultant business will be more powerful, will have a larger market share and will achieve higher profits and sales revenue. The merger has improved my understanding of the concept of company growth. This merger was an element of external growth because it involved larger amounts of money and is therefore growth through integration. During a precious project, I realized that face-to-face communication between colleagues is crucial. Other forms of communication especially electronic hinder an accurate delivery of the intended message. I used face-to-face communication because it allows the incoming service provider to ask questions, rethink service plans, and seek clarifications on content and instructions. I ensured that we used uniform and consistent language all through the handoff. In doing this, I optimized on precision

Friday, October 18, 2019

Battle of Little Bighorn Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Battle of Little Bighorn - Essay Example His over-zealous approach, arrogant attitude, and egotistical need for glory led an inexperienced and exhausted 7th Cavalry onto a battlefield of unknown terrain to fight an enemy of unknown size. As the sun set, Little Bighorn was littered with the remains of 220 under-equipped and unsupplied soldiers that Custer led to their death. The Battle of Little Bighorn may not have been winnable, but under Custer's command it was a certain death sentence and a complete failure. The preparation for the Battle of the Little Bighorn began at Fort Abraham Lincoln as early as the Fall of 1875. Here, the Army made two errors that would later prove fatal. The troops provided were inexperienced and had reportedly had been in only one previous Indian skirmish. Though the choice of soldiers may not have been Custer's, their mental and physical preparation was the ultimate responsibility of the field commander. According to a 1909 interview with Second Lieutenant Winfield S. Edgerly, "...[N]o one expected the Indians would make a stand anywhere and fight." (as cited in Hammer, 1990, p. 53). He further illuminates Custer's attitude toward the ensuing battle when he contends, "Custer's idea was that Indians would scatter and run in all directions" (as cited in Hammer, 1990, p. 53). ... The final estimation places the Indian force at between 5000 and 8000 warriors. Due to Indian agents' desire to inflate reservation populations and maximise government-sponsored goods, the Army initially estimated that there were only about 1000 Indians off the reservation (Fox, 1993, p. 233). Yet, once again, it was Custer who failed to adjust and conceive the most rudimentary battlefield planning. Though the Army had miscalculated the Indian force, Custer was warned of the impending size of the opposition as estimates began to rise when Custer's scouts reported a larger force as early as June 22 (Fox, 1993, p. 233). The reconnaissance issue also includes a failure to adequately scout the terrain on which the regiment was planning on waging their attack. Three hours before the battle, Benteen reported that there were "hills on all sides" (as cited in Sklenar, 2000, p. 115). Yet, Custer pressed on not only into unfavourable, but also unknown terrain. The area where Custer died provided a poor defensive position and gave the adversary a distinct advantage (Fox, 1993, p. 231). The hills where Custer's men were situated were sloping and cut with deep ravines, forcing the men to dismount and take up defensive positions (Bereit, 2000). The overwhelming strength of the Indians allowed them to repeatedly stampede Custer's position. When Custer reached within 15 miles of the Little Bighorn, Mitch Bouyer, the mixed-blood scout, reported to Custer that the force was the largest he had ever seen assembled (Fox, 1993, p. 233). Bloody Knife, an Ankara scout, agreed. However, Custer berated Bouyer for his cowardice and ignored his scouts' intelligence. At this

Analysis of jungle book Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Analysis of jungle book - Essay Example These stories all contain strong moral lessons, and can also be viewed as allegories of real life, not simply the animal life that they can be read as at one level. In the story the White Seal, Kipling uses a seal to portray the conflict within our own lives, and also gives us a look into what we humans are doing to nature. Just like all his other stories, Kipling opens the White Seal Tale with a song, the Seal’s lullaby. This song, which goes as follows â€Å"Oh! hush thee, my baby, the night is behind us, And black are the waters that sparkled so green. The moon, oer the combers, looks downward to find us At rest in the hollows that rustle between. Where billow meets billow, then soft be thy pillow, Ah, weary wee flipperling, curl at thy ease! The storm shall not wake thee, nor shark overtake thee, Asleep in the arms of the slow-swinging seas!† helps set the tone for the whole selection, and also keeps with the Kipling tradition of the rest of the Jungle Book. This opening poem helps set the character for the white seal that is later introduce into the story. By including words such as â€Å"flipperling†, â€Å"rustle†, and â€Å"billow†, Kipling is able to use this poem to set the feel and mood of the rest of the piece. These tone words help set up the feelings of tranquility and peace, however it is this exact feeling that is set up here that is later disturbed. Kipling then uses the start of the story as an allegory against human beings and their many odd behaviors. He describes how the seals all flock to get the best piece of land, and spend many an months simply sitting there and fighting over the best piece of land. Looking into this, one can see the â€Å"high esteem† Kipling held for humans who fought over land, and acted just as stupidly as all of the seals did. It is also important to note that Kipling chose only

Introduction to mass communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Introduction to mass communication - Essay Example When it comes to newspapers and magazines, there is a dire need to comprehend how these mass communication facets would take care of the society’s portrayal and the people living within it. Their day to day undertakings and tasks would be covered by the mass communication agendas, hence playing a direct role within their life regimes. Mass communication is an important tool within any society as its significance is seen in different contexts time and again. The people who run the different mass communication outlets have a very pertinent responsibility as these look to defy the opposition which is raised in the wake of achieving success. The newspaper and magazine regimes have long realized that mass communication is happening for the benefit of all concerned and that the stakeholders of the newspapers and magazines have to be told nothing but the truth. There is a sense of belonging as far as societal responsibilities are concerned. This is of paramount essence because mass communication does take the major share of the audience’s attention, on most of the occasions. The people’s attitudes, knowledge levels and perception regimes change as and when the newspapers and magazines amend their respective agendas. It goes to show without any doubt that mass communication has a very important effect on th e lives of the people who read newspapers and magazines, and even the ones who are not directly affected by the same (Perry 1996). Anything that is printed within these media vehicles gets noticeable coverage and hence the lives of the people are changed either in a positive or a negative way. The change is indeed imminent as is the case worldwide, with regards to newspapers and magazines. It goes to show without saying that the top heads within these newspapers and magazines have a huge responsibility resting on their shoulders, and hence they must make positive impact on the minds of the readers, and indeed the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

My Philosophy on Leadership Outline OM8920 Essay

My Philosophy on Leadership Outline OM8920 - Essay Example A leader is effective if he/she listens well, effectively motivates and inspires, and supplies a team with solicitous vision and strategic direction. A leader is the one who leads by example and authorizes his followers. He profoundly understands the wants of the people whom he leads and unselfishly considers his activities and their impact on his followers. I have implemented my leadership philosophy successfully by adopting the philosophy contained in Ken Blanchard and Paul Hersey's Situational Leadership Model (2004). This two-dimensional practical approach leading teams and projects, presumes that different leadership styles are better in different situations, and that leaders must be flexible enough to adapt their style to the situation they are in. A good situational leader is one who can quickly change leadership styles as the situation changes. Most of us attempt to do this in our dealings with people: we try not to get angry with a new employee, and we remind forgetful people. The model doesn't apply only to people in leadership or management positions; all people lead others at work, at play, and at home.

A Historiographical Examination on Ernst Junger's Ideas Essay

A Historiographical Examination on Ernst Junger's Ideas - Essay Example During and after the war, he wrote and edited many books and right-wing journals. These included Storm of Steel (1920), Die totale Mobilmachung-1930 (The Total Mobilization), Der Arbeiter-1932 (The Worker), On Marble Cliffs-1947, On Pain, Der Vormarsch amongst others. Through his real life and writing, he has influenced German literature and modern studies of WWII. The backbone of his writings, ideas and ideologies are greatly influenced by his military career and experiences in WWII. His writings give a peek into his thoughts and ideologies, and these have been reviewed by many writers and critics who in the end judge him variously as a militarist, a nationalist, or as a fascist. And others say he is among the greatest writers of modern Germany and a personification of the conservative revolutionary movement. Nevin asserts that Junger is one of the most controversial 21st Century writers in Europe with a remarkable writing career spanning five periods of the history of modern Germany1. In his book, Ernest Junger and Germany: Into the Abyss, Nevin avers that Ernst Junger was ‘politically incorrect writer par- excellence’. He treats him not as the ‘national institution’ the public and press viewed him, but as a contradictory figure whose actions include his parable attacking despotism in 1939 and refusing to join the Nazi party when he was assumed to be a fascist. These confirm Junger’s contradictory and controversial nature2. Though a brilliant writer, Ernst Junger is dismissed as militarist and nationalist, a trait clearly witnessed in his Die totale Mobilmachung-1930 (The Total Mobilization) and Der Arbeiter-1932 (The Worker). In the two books, Junger paints a dictatorial state coordinated along military lines embodied by the star worker3.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Introduction to mass communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Introduction to mass communication - Essay Example When it comes to newspapers and magazines, there is a dire need to comprehend how these mass communication facets would take care of the society’s portrayal and the people living within it. Their day to day undertakings and tasks would be covered by the mass communication agendas, hence playing a direct role within their life regimes. Mass communication is an important tool within any society as its significance is seen in different contexts time and again. The people who run the different mass communication outlets have a very pertinent responsibility as these look to defy the opposition which is raised in the wake of achieving success. The newspaper and magazine regimes have long realized that mass communication is happening for the benefit of all concerned and that the stakeholders of the newspapers and magazines have to be told nothing but the truth. There is a sense of belonging as far as societal responsibilities are concerned. This is of paramount essence because mass communication does take the major share of the audience’s attention, on most of the occasions. The people’s attitudes, knowledge levels and perception regimes change as and when the newspapers and magazines amend their respective agendas. It goes to show without any doubt that mass communication has a very important effect on th e lives of the people who read newspapers and magazines, and even the ones who are not directly affected by the same (Perry 1996). Anything that is printed within these media vehicles gets noticeable coverage and hence the lives of the people are changed either in a positive or a negative way. The change is indeed imminent as is the case worldwide, with regards to newspapers and magazines. It goes to show without saying that the top heads within these newspapers and magazines have a huge responsibility resting on their shoulders, and hence they must make positive impact on the minds of the readers, and indeed the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

A Historiographical Examination on Ernst Junger's Ideas Essay

A Historiographical Examination on Ernst Junger's Ideas - Essay Example During and after the war, he wrote and edited many books and right-wing journals. These included Storm of Steel (1920), Die totale Mobilmachung-1930 (The Total Mobilization), Der Arbeiter-1932 (The Worker), On Marble Cliffs-1947, On Pain, Der Vormarsch amongst others. Through his real life and writing, he has influenced German literature and modern studies of WWII. The backbone of his writings, ideas and ideologies are greatly influenced by his military career and experiences in WWII. His writings give a peek into his thoughts and ideologies, and these have been reviewed by many writers and critics who in the end judge him variously as a militarist, a nationalist, or as a fascist. And others say he is among the greatest writers of modern Germany and a personification of the conservative revolutionary movement. Nevin asserts that Junger is one of the most controversial 21st Century writers in Europe with a remarkable writing career spanning five periods of the history of modern Germany1. In his book, Ernest Junger and Germany: Into the Abyss, Nevin avers that Ernst Junger was ‘politically incorrect writer par- excellence’. He treats him not as the ‘national institution’ the public and press viewed him, but as a contradictory figure whose actions include his parable attacking despotism in 1939 and refusing to join the Nazi party when he was assumed to be a fascist. These confirm Junger’s contradictory and controversial nature2. Though a brilliant writer, Ernst Junger is dismissed as militarist and nationalist, a trait clearly witnessed in his Die totale Mobilmachung-1930 (The Total Mobilization) and Der Arbeiter-1932 (The Worker). In the two books, Junger paints a dictatorial state coordinated along military lines embodied by the star worker3.

The Duke and the Dauphin Essay Example for Free

The Duke and the Dauphin Essay The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, two conmen called the duke and the dauphin (or the king) constantly cause trouble for Huck and Jim. Though many say these two characters weaken the overall plot, they are actually quite important factor in the plot of the story and help move things along. When Huck and Jim first meet the duke and the king, they introduce themselves as an impoverished duke of England and the long lost son of King Louis XVI of France. Of course Huck is smart enough to realize the men were con artists and didn’t believe their silly lies. This is yet another example of Huck’s â€Å"street smarts†, for if someone like Tom Sawyer had met them he would have easily believed the two because it would have been something like the stories he was so fond of. As the group of four travels down the Mississippi River, they come across the funeral of a wealthy man by the name of Richard Wilks. In his will, Wilks left his small fortune to his daughter and two English brothers who were rumored not to arrive. Of course with the real brothers most likely not stopping by and loads of money sitting around, the duke and the dauphin jump on the opportunity and plan their next scheme. Almost anyone would agree that their latest plan was extremely low, even for two con artists. Huck is extremely disgusted with their scam saying â€Å"It was enough to make a body ashamed of the human race† (Twain 159). If the duke and the dauphin been a part of the plot, this scam wouldn’t have happened and as a result the audience wouldn’t see how empathetic and compassionate Huck really is. Through the intensity and seriousness of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, a bit of the comic relief is needed and the duke and the king are the perfect pair. Though they may seem to play a pointless part in the book, the conmen are actually important to the plot by giving Huck and Jim a reason for moving from place to place and ultimately to their final destination, but more importantly for bringing out certain characteristics in Huck that the audience may not have seen without the duke and the dauphin.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Play Based Learning and Teaching

Play Based Learning and Teaching This essay debates play-based and formal approaches to teaching and learning for 4-5 year olds (Foundation Stage children) and for Key Stage 1 pupils. The essay will begin by looking at what is expected of Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 level pupils, in terms of the desired learning outcomes, as framed by the Foundation Stage Profile assessments and the National Curriculum for Key Stage 1, and the various assessments this embodies. The essay then moves on to look at the factors that are generally agreed to be important in successful learning, and the various models of ‘play-based’ and ‘formal’ learning as applied to these ages of children, within the context of the Foundation Stage Profile assessments and the National Curriculum for Key Stage 1, and the various assessments this embodies. The essay concludes that whatever learning approach is used, other factors (such as age, gender and socioeconomic) are often more important in determining learning outcome s and that, as such, the methods that are employed in teaching children at Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 are relatively unimportant: what is important is that children are taught, that children’s learning process is enabled through an adequate assessment of children’s abilities and preferred style of learning and that the teaching of children is attempted on as individual a basis as possible, given that children of this age all have individual learning needs, based on their specific developmental stage and other, external, factors that influence how well the child learns and how much motivation the child has to learn. In terms of what should be being taught at the Foundation Stage level, the document Curriculum Guidance for Foundation Stage (see DfEE, 2000) sets out six areas of learning that are intended to form the basis of Foundation Stage learning: communication, literacy and language; knowledge and understanding of the world; personal, social and emotional development; mathematical development; physical development and creative development (QCA, 2008). Each of these six areas of learning has a set of related early learning goals that the teacher should aim for completing, in terms of recording the child’s achievement on their Foundation Stage Profile (DfES, 2007). By Key Stage 1, children should have mastered all of the necessary early learning goals and should, through this, be enabled to begin the learning process that will take them through the programme of study as set out in the National Curriculum for Key Stage 1 right through to their National Curriculum Assessments (see DCSF, 2 007). Thus, from an early age, children have an extremely structured learning pathway, in terms of the learning outcomes that are desired under the current National Curriculum framework for Key Stage 1 children and due to the Foundation Stage Profiles that need to be filled out for every Foundation Stage level child (DfES, 2007). How this learning pathway is delivered to children, and how these learning outcomes are achieved is, however, not so rigid and teachers are free to deliver these learning outcomes in the way in which they see fit, although in most Government-run places of education in the UK, this is usually performed under the framework of dependence on previous models of success (i.e., the long-established routes for achieving learning outcomes in children). The different modes of learning are usually labelled ‘play-based’ and ‘formal’ but this, however, tends to ignore the fact that there are many modes of learning. As Vosniadou (2001) argues, children learn in many different ways, through active learning, social participation, meaningful activities, by relating new information to prior knowledge, through strategic thinking, by engaging in reflective thinking, by restructuring prior knowledge, through understanding, not simply memorisation, and through practice, amongst other methods, all of which are subject to individual developmental differences. Choosing the ‘correct’ method for learning (i.e., the method most likely to achieve the desired learning outcome) is usually a case of matching the method of learning to the individual child in terms of their abilities, thus fostering an atmosphere of motivated learning. This approach can, however, be difficult in classrooms with children of mixed abilities, leading to situations of frustration occurring in the bright children, who do not feel sufficiently challenged, and in the less able children, who feel they cannot cope with the things that are asked of them and is difficult when there are so many assessments to prepare children for. One of the skills, therefore, that a good Foundation Stage or Key Stage 1 teacher needs to possess is the ability to match a child’s ability to the best learning method for them in order to achieve the most efficient mode of learning for each and every child. This can, however, in practice be very difficult, with teachers at these levels being pressed for time and under pressure to deliver certain learning outcomes, with the development of the new Foundation Stage Profiles (see DfES, 2007 and QCA, 2008), for example, which have basically set a curriculum for Foundation Stage children and through the National C urriculum which begins at Key Stage 1 level. Bransford et al. (1999) argue that the design of learning environments, however that learning is presented to children, needs to be based on what needs to be taught, how this needs to be taught and on how the success of the learning approach is to be assessed. As Bransford et al. (1999) argue, different learning goals require different learning approaches, and different learning environments should be developed according to the degree to which these environments need to be learner-centred, knowledge-centred, assessment-centred or community-centred. For learning to be successful, three principles generally need to hold: i) that learning environments encourage children to be active, and thus effective, learners; ii) that learning environments encourage collaboration with other students and iii) that learning environments encourage the use of meaningful tasks and authentic materials (Vosniadou, 2001). Without such a learning environment, under whichever teaching regime (i..e, ‘pla y-based’ or ‘formal’), the child will fail to learn and the teacher will have failed that child (Bransford et al., 1999; Vosniadou, 2001). If the teacher decides to use child-initiated (‘play-based’) learning in the classroom, the three principles should hold. Child-initiated play should enable children to use resources in their correct manner within their correct settings and to behave in appropriate ways according to the particular setting and the role-play contexts that are being encouraged, whilst teaching them about responsibilities such as tidying up after themselves and sharing toys and spaces with other children (Vosniadou, 2001). As such, play-based learning can be a valuable learning tool but a tool that needs to be appropriately supported by teaching staff with adequate resources and support and systems in place for adequately monitoring, observing and recording how the children under their care play, and providing suggestions for modifications to their mode of play if their play is not responsible, for example, or is causing problems for other children under the teachers care (i.e., is accompanied by rowdy behaviour) (Vosniadou, 2001). Similarly, formal learning should be conducted on the basis of fostering the three principles, namely the encouragement of active learning, the encouragement of active sharing amongst children and the encouragement of meaningful tasks through authentic learning materials (see Vosniadou, 2001). In terms of the Foundation Stage Profiles and the National Curriculum Assessments for Key Stage 1 level children, it is perhaps seen as the easier option for teachers to use formal approaches to learning rather than play-based approaches, in terms of directing children’s learning in the ways that will fulfil the requirements of the assessments. Studies have shown that this is perhaps not the best way of fostering an atmosphere of motivation for learning, and such heavy slanting towards testing and fulfilling Curriculum ideals can actually actively de-motivate children, especially children so young as Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 levels (Strand, 2002). Strand (2002) concluded that continuous assessments of children does little more than de-motivate those children who are not attaining good scores on such tests, does not encourage motivation to do better on subsequent tests, does not increase overall attainment year-on-year and, as such, does little more than put a massive administrative burden on teachers and schools. Whatever the teaching method employed, many research studies have shown that attainment at Key Stage 1 is more dependent on factors other than school organisation and teaching methods, because background factors (such as gender, age, socioeconomic status) lead to variations in individual possibilities for attainment, in terms of expectations and motivations for learning (Sammons et al., 1997). These findings seem to suggest that the actual teaching method is often unimportant in determining learning outcomes as other factors have far more of a hold over a child’s educational achievements than the particular teaching method that is employed in the classroom the child attends. It has long been known, for example, that parental input in to a child’s education can convert in to higher educational achievement, thought to be due to the fact that this encouragement enables and facilitates confidence, which then translates to higher educational achievement (see, for example, Ho over-Dempsey and Sander, 1995 and Christenson and Sheridan, 2001), not only for ‘able’ children but also for those children with special needs, be these gifted children or children with physical or mental disabilities affecting how they are able to learn (see Will, 1986). This essay has debated ‘play-based’ and ‘formal’ approaches to teaching and learning for 4-5 year olds (Foundation Stage children) and for Key Stage 1 pupils. The essay began by looking at what is expected of Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 level pupils, in terms of the desired learning outcomes, as framed by the Foundation Stage Profile assessments and the National Curriculum for Key Stage 1, and the various assessments this embodies. It was concluded that, from an early age, children have an extremely structured learning pathway but that how this learning is delivered to them is, essentially, up to their teachers. The essay then moved on to look at the factors that are generally agreed to be important in successful learning, defining three principles for successful encouragement of learning and achievement of learning outcomes, namely that i) learning environments should encourage children to be active, and thus effective, learners; ii) that learning environments should encourage collaboration with other students and iii) that learning environments should encourage the use of meaningful tasks and authentic materials (Vosniadou, 2001). If these principles are followed, through whichever approach to teaching (i.e., ‘play-based’ or ‘formal’) and under whatever learning environment, then the child’s learning will be enabled to the maximum. The essay concludes that whatever learning approach is used, other factors (such as age, gender and socioeconomic) are often more important in determining learning outcomes (see Christenson and Sheridan, 2001) and that, as such, the methods that are employed in teaching children at Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 are relatively unimportant. At these stages, and indeed throughout the child’s education, what is important is that the child’s own learning process is enabled through an adequate assessment of children’s abilities and preferred style of learning and, through this, that the teaching of children is attempted on as individual a basis as possible, tailoring the specific learning needs of the child to the specific learning outcomes that are desired. This is because children of this age all have individual learning needs, and preferred styles of learning, based on their specific developmental stage and other, external, factors that influence how well the chi ld learns and how much motivation the child has to learn (Bransford et al., 1999). A child’s learning should, ideally, be fitted to the style through which the child learns best (be this ‘play-based’ or ‘formal’), to facilitate the child’s learning: in this day and age, however, targets are more important than this fundamental truth, and so this is often not possible in the context of Government-run UK schools, which are more interested in testing than developing teaching plans suited to children’s individual learning needs. In this context, thus, more than ever before, parents have a shared responsibility to enable their child’s education. References Bransford, J.D. et al. (1999). How people learn: brain. Mind, experience and school. National Academic Press. Christenson, S.L. and Sheridan, S.M. (2001). Schools and families: creating essential connections for learning. DCSF (2007). National curriculum assessments at Key Stage 1 in England, 2007. DfEE (2000). Curriculum guidance for the foundation stage. Available from [Accessed 29th February 2008]. DfES (2007). Foundation stage eProfile. Available from [Accessed 29th February 2008]. Hoover-Dempsey, K. and Sander, H.M. (1995). Parental involvement in children’s education: why does it make a difference? Teachers College Record 1995. Hutchin, V. (2003). Observing and assessing for the foundation stage profile. Hodder Murray. Kyriacou, C. (1997). Effective teaching in schools. Nelson Thornes Ltd. Vosniadou, S. (2001). How children learn. International Academy of Education. Educational Practice Series, Number 7. QCA (Qualifications and Curriculum Authority) (2008). Foundation stage profile assessment. Available from [Accessed 29th February 2008]. Sammons, P. et al. (1997). Accounting for variations in pupil attainment at the end of Key Stage 1. British Educational Research Journal 23(4), pp.489-511. Strand, S. (2002). Pupil mobility, attainment and progress during Key Stage 1: a study in cautious interpretation. British Educational Research Journal 28(1), pp.63-78. Will, M.C. (1986). Educating children with learning problems: a shared responsibility. Exceptional Children Feb, pp. 411-415. Wood, E. and Atfield, J. (1996). Play, learning and the early childhood. Paul Chapman Publishing.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Women play victims in Thomas Hardy’s short stories, roles that were Ess

Women play victims in Thomas Hardy’s short stories, roles that were typical of Victorian women in general â€Å"Women play victims in Thomas Hardy’s short stories, roles that were typical of Victorian women in general† Discuss with references at least three of Hardy’s short stories Thomas Hardy in his short stories â€Å"The Withered Arm†, â€Å"Tony Kytes, the Arch Deceiver† and the Winters and the Palmleys† presents his readers with a series of unsettling visions of the relations between men and women, women mainly coming worse off. For example Rhoda of â€Å"The Withered Arm†, the poor outcast milkmaid, not even respected by her own son, or pretty Harriet Palmley, the wolf in sheep’s clothing, evil due to her education, therefore not a victim, but instead a horrible person. Gertrude also, a good, obedient, â€Å"rosy cheeked titsy-totsy little body enough† until she gets her arm withered from a curse that drives her to desperation to find a cure for the â€Å"disfigurement†. All these women, due to the fact that they’re female, all ended off worse off and in the course of this essay I am going to analyse whether his female characters were victims or merely women of their time. Hardy’s stories, mainly set 50 years before they were written, are set mostly in the 1830’s period of Victorian Britain, when women were considered lower than men and didn’t usually get any rights or education, especially in the rural areas such as Wessex, where Hardy's â€Å"Wessex Tales† where set. Women were also oppressed in the way of not being allowed high place jobs, the vote and certainly not a place in Parliament or anything that might change Britain in any way, which was quite ironic considering Britain was being ruled by Queen Victoria, a women h... ...herself. The other two, Unity and Hannah are in the same boat in the way that they both want to steal Tony away from Milly but when it comes to Tony actually asking them to marry him they both refuse out of pride. They are not victims but women of their time, so they do not gain my pity, as that’s just the way it was. As for the male characters such as Lodge, who dies peacefully of old age, leaving most of his money to a reformatory for boys after being the main victimiser and Tony Kytes also, after humiliating Milly totally and having a happy ending is unfair considering what happened to all the women. I think Hardy does exaggerate the victimisation of the women and praise the men in his stories and I do feel sympathy for the majority of the women but as for the rights, characters and education of all the women, that’s them just being women of their time.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Aldous Huxleys A Brave New World Essays -- Technology A Brave New Wor

Aldous Huxley's A Brave New World The New World, a man-made Utopia, governed by its motto, Community, Identity, Stability (Huxley 3). A man-made world in every way. Human beings fertilized in bottles. Identity, gender, intelligence, position in society, all predestined. Human beings classified in the order of precedence: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon. Every one conditioned to be a certain way. Every one works for every one else (Huxley, 74). All man-made to ensure social stability. Is society in the New World truly better than in the 2000s? Are people in the New World truly happier than we are in the 2000s? Do we in the 2000s have any thing in common with the New World? Are there significant sociological differences between the 2000s and the New World? These are questions I found myself pondering as I lay down Aldous Huxley's brilliant A Brave New World. We have tremendous expectations of our Mothers. In the 2000s , our ideal Mother give life to her child, provides unconditional love to her child, and nurtures her child. There is a special bond between a Mother and her child. We have learned to recognize, respect, and appreciate the self-sacrifices and hardships that a Mother endures for her child. Those of us less fortunate, craves the love, care, and attention of a good Mother and good parents. To provide good parenting to our children are the goals and concerns of every good parents. Parental affection and guidance, or lack thereof, plays a vital role in our lives. We promote childbirth as a natural, fulfilling experience for women (Lamaze International, Online). In the New World, Mother is a smutty word (Huxley 36). Mothers, parents, and families were taught and understood as viviparous. Our 90s society woul... ...itics, the social instability. Should we sacrifice the good of the 2000s for the social stability of the New World? I want to say that I can not be certain, for I do believe in different systems, different values. But I can not say that. I live in the 2000s society and I grew up with my own set of belief. My own ideology. Therefore I have my bias opinion. Isn't social instability the path to finding true happiness? Without the bad, how will you recognize the good? If every thing is predestined, what is the purpose of life? If there is no individual love, what is there to live for? Self-happiness verses state-happiness. If self-happiness is selfish - then I am. Works Cited Huxley, Aldous. A Brave New World. 1932, 1946. National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) 10 February 1998 . Europe Against Drugs (EURAD) Date Unknown . Lamaze International Date Unknown .

Friday, October 11, 2019

Leadership Interview Essay

Could you speak a bit about your background and the role you have today? I first started school for engineering, and then after two years I found my passion was in nursing. So I started over at school, taking different types of classes as I pursued nursing, and three years later graduated with a nursing degree. Several different paths where traveled in nursing for me, meaning I tried many different departments and assignments. Then by accident I ended up as an RN case manager for mentally ill clients. Psych was never my intended path, but I loved it from the first day. I am now a Manager of a group of outpatient clinics for mentally ill clients and love it. I cannot see myself doing anything else now. How would you describe a leader? A good leader is only as good as the group you are leading is what I was always told. That does help, but there is a lot more that goes into it. I believe a quality leader should also be a good teacher. A leader needs to have the knowledge to pass on to those they lead. A good leader has to be able to listen as well. While those under me may look to me for answers, I have to realize that I may not always have that answer. I may have to take input from my staff, my superiors, and even clients in making proper decisions. Another attribute that is important is a critical thinker. A leader has to think on the go, and know that the answers are not always text book answers. Thinking outside the box sometimes is needed. I also need to earn trust and respect from my staff and those I oversee to be effective. What are important qualities or characteristics of leaders? It is important to have an open door policy, and listen to each staff member’s concerns. You need to be open to changes and be empathic for those who do not deal well with change. A leader needs to be forceful and fair to everybody. Confidence and inner strength will show through, making the staff or those you oversee more confident in your abilities. A diploma on the wall may get you a position in the leadership. But only demonstrating advanced social and professional skills will allow your team to trust you, which in turn, will make for a more productive team. What is your personal philosophy? Personally, my philosophy revolves around the construction of clear and workable vision of what needs to be accomplished. I try to envision the future, and make goals that will benefit the clients, as well as the facility and staff. Building a quality team is not as easy as hiring qualified individuals. Leading means are getting individuals to work as one coherent team. To do this, I need to be able to discipline, listen, and even moderate discussion. My personal ego cannot be larger than any staff member, or the team as a whole. I need to take criticism, and be able to see others’ points of views. I want my entire team to feel as if they are important cogs in the machine. I believe a leader accepts responsibility, and in doing so never places themselves above the team. What learning experiences have had the most influence on your own personal development as a leader? Experiences that shaped my growth began in childhood with the support of my family. I was always told I could do or be anything if I worked hard enough. I took that to heart, and excelled in school and sports. When I started college I had no real answer for what I wanted to be, but the drive that was inside me drove me down this path. Professionally, I once had a manager that loved her job and showed it with every meeting. Her passion reminded me of my parents and what they had taught me. She was a true role model in my professional life. I was also blessed to have quality teachers throughout my years of schooling. Coaches played a key role in my development as a leader too. Unfortunately, I also dealt with my fair share of poor supervisors too. Seeing the impact poor leadership can have in a work environment can be just as enlightening for someone looking to move into a leadership pos ition. Luckily, I do not use them as role models. At least I tried not to. How do you see leadership evolving in nursing today? Leadership in nursing is headed into many different fields today. Nursing roles are evolving with new technologies, new specialties, and higher levels of nursing. Because of the need for healthcare increasing, nurses are being tasked with more responsibility too. Nurses are now asked to step up and become leaders on the floor, in schools, in management, and many other aspects of healthcare. Nurses are becoming leaders in the development of strategies in developing and delivering the product to the consumer. Nurses were viewed as employees who followed doctors’ orders in the past. Today nurses have the ability to grow beyond that, and in doing so, nurses can take the lead in providing care. Leader can positively impact the health care system within which they operate. Nurses will be leading more clinics and other facilities in an effort to care for the increase in those seeking healthcare. Healthcare is a business, and nurses are trained in that business. So it is only common sense that these highly trained people should play a leading role in the changes we will see. What are the most challenging issues in your current position? The biggest challenge is trying to get more funding for the mentally ill. It can be hard to deal with all the meetings that we have to get money for medication, treatment, food and housing and to stay upbeat as a leader. But I love this job, and my clients, so that makes it worth dong. It is also very difficult to find enough staffing for mental health. It can be a very taxing job, and it takes a special person to be able to handle the position in mental health, especially in the long term. Finding professionals with the patience needed in dealing with our clients is always a huge challenge. As a leader (or manager) in your career have you had a mentor? If so, how did this influence your leadership style? I had a supervisor that taught me to leave the business at the door and never bring it home. Working in m ental health can be emotionally draining, so this tiny bit of advice is important for me to keep in my mind. If I took my work home, I would need help soon. What advice would you give someone who is aspiring to a leadership position? My advice would be to learn as much as you can for the position. Use the knowledge you have gained through seeing others in leadership positions to your advantage too. Remember the qualities of leaders who brought out the best in you, and try to bring those qualities to the position. Also, be  humble. Becoming a leader will not end your education. It is just the next step in your evolution. In conclusion, a leader is somebody who accepts responsibility. A leader is a person who can see the big picture. A person, who is adaptable and able to bring out the best in others, is a leader. A person who cares enough to make the team stronger for the benefit of all involved is a leader. A leader is a person who can moderate, discipline, coordinate, listen and teach in a way that demands respect and confidence from those they lead. References Sullivan, E., & Decker, P. (2009). Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. References Sullivan, E., & Decker, P. (2009). Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

FASB Accounting Standards Codification Essay

This section deals with certain general background considerations and information related to the FASC and the answers can be found by clicking the â€Å"About the Codification† and â€Å"Notice to Constituents† sections on the FASC Welcome Page. This section is a good general source of information about the FASC and should be reviewed prior to starting to answer the specific questions set forth in all sections. The related research questions that you must answer are: (a) When did the FASC Codification become effective? †¢It was released on July 1, 2009 and became effective for Interim and Annual periods ending after September 15, 2009. (b) Did the FASC change prior GAAP? †¢No it didn’t change, it only got restructured. (c) What does the FASB expect from the new FASC structure and system? †¢The System is expected to reduce the amount of time and effort that is used to solve an accounting research issue. (d) What are the â€Å"topics† used in the ASC? †¢The General Principles †¢The Presentation †¢The Assets †¢Liabilities †¢Equity †¢Revenue †¢Expense †¢Broad Transactions †¢Industry (e) Are Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) references included in the ASC? †¢Yes It is. 2. Transfer of Receivables FASC 860-10 As the new staff person in your company’s treasury department, you have been asked to conduct research related to a proposed transfer of receivables. Your supervisor wants the authoritative sources for the following items that are discussed in the securitization agreement. Access the FASB Codification at to conduct research using the Codification Research System to prepare responses to the following items. Provide Codification references for your responses. (a) Identify relevant Codification section that addresses transfers of receivables. †¢ 860-10-05 (b) Provide definitions for the following: (i) Transfer †¢transference of a noncash financial asset by and to someone other than the issuer of that financial asset (ii) Recourse uncollectable †¢When the transferor of receivables retains the risk of uncollectability. (iii) Collateral †¢Assets that a borrower pledges as security for a loan, which the financier seizes if the borrower seizes to pay (c) Provide other examples (besides recourse and collateral) that qualify as continuing involvement. 3. Inventories FASC 330-10 Jones Co. is in a technology-intensive industry. Recently, one of its competitors introduced a new product with technology that might render obsolete some of Jones’s inventory. The accounting staff wants to follow the appropriate authoritative literature in determining the accounting for this significant market event. Access the FASB Codification at to conduct research using the Codification Research System to prepare responses to the following items. Provide Codification references for your responses. (a) Identify the primary authoritative guidance for the accounting for inventories. †¢Accounting Research Bulletins (ARB) No.43 Chapter 4. (b) List three types of goods that are classified as inventory. †¢Goods awaiting sale (finished goods) †¢Goods in the course of production (work in process), †¢Goods to used directly or indirectly in production (raw materials and supplies) What characteristic will automatically exclude an item from being classified as inventory? †¢Long-term assets that are subject to depreciation accounting †¢Goods which, when put into use, will be so classified as depreciable Assets (c) Define â€Å"market† as used in the phrase â€Å"lower-of-cost-or-market.† †¢market means current replacement cost (by purchase or by reproduction) provided that it meet the two conditions 1.Market shall not exceed the net realizable value 2.Market shall not be less than net realizable value reduced by an allowance for an approximately normal profit margin

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

A Summary on Perseverance

I know many people who persevered in their life. If you look at their biography you will see that they were very successful because they never give up. Many people don’t have that much confident in them so they give up so easily. Well I also persevered in my life. I didn’t give up at that time I wanted to give up but I was brave enough not to give up. our greatest glory is not in never failing but, in raising up every time we fail by Ralph Emerson. â€Å"Fall seven times stand up eight† this quote stands for perseverance and as well as for Mr. Abraham Lincoln. Mr. Lincoln persevered by â€Å"NEVER GIVING UP†. Mr. Lincoln went through many troubles in his life but he persevered and become the 16th president of the United States of America. Mr. Lincoln’s life went through like this. In 1831 he failed in business but he didn’t give u and tried again bidding for congress in 1843 but unfortunately he lost his bid for congress. In 1855 he tried again for the run of senate but he lost the run. Still he didn’t give up later in 1856 he got elected for vice president but unluckily he got defeated for Vice President. Well because Mr. Lincoln persevered in his life so in 1860 Mr. Abraham Lincoln became the 16th president of the United States. Mr. Lincoln was confident enough not to give up because he knew that one day he will success in his life and he did. He was brave and he had â€Å"STRONG Belief†. I also persevered in my life. I tried and tried until I reached my goal. When I came to us the first time I knew enough English to understand the teacher and work well but it was hard for me to adjust in a different in a different lifestyle well somehow I tried but failed. I didn’t felt like trying again but my mom encouraged me to try and try hard until I reach my goal. My mom was my strength. I tried and tried hard to adjust in U. S and after one year I adjusted and I felt like I’m here since I was born. This showed that â€Å"I never gave up† I reached my goal by trying over and over again. Every single person in this world went through many up’s and down’s in their lives but many fought and succeed but many gave up. â€Å"Just because you fail once in life doesn’t mean you will fail every time†. â€Å"As long as you persevere and endure, we can get whatever we want†. You should never give up in life like Mr. Abraham Lincoln and I didn’t gave up until we got what we wanted. So if you persevere in your life you will get it done soon. what I prefer is never give up in life. we all learn from over mistakes, so learn from your mistakes and go on try it again.